This past weekend we celebrated Matt's first Father's Day, and I don't think there has ever been a more deserving new daddy!
The weekend started with the fulfillment of a long standing wish of Matt's - a Dairy Queen ice cream cake with TRIPLE the normal amount of fudge & chocolate crunchies in the middle of the cake! He was in heaven!
On Saturday, we had tickets to go to the Phillies game that Kayla gave to Matt for Father's Day, so Chase & I gave Matt Phillies related new gifts. He got a new yard flag & grill cover for our new house along with a stuffed Phanatic mascot (really for Chase!) and Phillies cups that we used for tailgating. We left Chase for the longest we ever have - 10 hours! - and had a great time at the game. It was nice to do something as grown ups for the day, but we were so excited to get home to our favorite little guy!

On Sunday morning we went to Event's Etc for brunch, which is where my baby shower was held. Matt LOVES their breakfast food there, so it was a special treat for him. We also gave him the rest of his gifts:
From me - cufflinks with his initials engraved in them. I had given Matt these exact same ones for our wedding, but somehow he had lost them. So now he has them as a reminder of his first Father's Day!

From Chase - a picture frame that said "Best Buddies, Daddy & Chase" with a cute pic of the two of them. They really are best buddies!

From both of us - a new firepit for the patio at the new house! It was an IOU since the last thing I wanted in the house was one more thing to pack, but Matt is so excited to have it when we move.
It was a really great weekend spent celebrating the best daddy in the whole entire world! A little boy has never been so lucky! I am so in love with my two favorite guys - Life is so good!

Can't forget a special shout out to Grampy for his first Father's Day as a grandfather!