Ok, so I'm just on a posting roll today. I can promise that it won't keep up at this pace, but feel I have some "catching up" to do...I am also procrastinating from finishing my task of taking down the Christmas ornaments, so the distraction is quite welcome!
Matt & I were married on 8/16/08 on the, in my opinion, most beautiful day that has ever been. We had some help from a my sister Jessica, my special red-headed angel, who was taken from us only 3 months prior to the wedding. She was supposed to be my maid of honor along with my twin sister Kayla, and I know that the cloudless sky and the beaming radiant sunshine that day was her way of letting us know she was there even though I couldn't see her beautiful face.
We knew that we wanted to have a family, we just didn't know when. So, several months after the wedding we had to put our beloved dog Jake - a 15 year old golden retriever whom we adopted several years before - to sleep the week of Thanksgiving. We knew we wanted a puppy before a baby, and contacted a breeder of
goldens who we had received rave reviews on. On January 2
nd, we drove out near Ohio with my mom and chose our handsome little
furball, Archie. My mom also adopted his cute sister, Lily, whom we
affectionately call "
On April 29
th, the date that marked one year exactly since the passing of my sister, we were at a celebration of her life at my parents home and I spent the entire evening holding David, the adorable two month old son of my friend Allyson and grandson to my mom's dear friend Lori. Matt watched me the entire evening and on the way home said "you're ready for a baby, aren't you". I questioned where that came from because I hadn't mentioned anything about a baby, but he said he could see it in my eyes and that he was ready as well. So that night,
amidst the sadness of remembering the loss of my amazing sister, we decided that we would grow our little family.
Fast forward a few months to August 2
nd - I woke up at my sister & brother in laws house very early in the morning and "peed on a stick" anxious to know if this would be the month we would get pregnant. Sure enough, a very very faint pink line showed up where it was supposed to! I had to rub my eyes several times to believe it, and then threw all
grandiose ideas of how I would tell Matt out the window as I ran into the bedroom, leaped onto the bed and woke him up to make him confirm that there was in fact two lines! Sure enough, there was!
We had the pregnancy confirmed with an ultrasound on 8/27 and was given a due date of April 13, 2010 - my 27
th birthday!! Around the same time, I had horrible morning sickness set in, and proceeded to begin vomiting every single day, after every time I ate, for the next several months. On November 11, 2009, we surprised our family and snuck to an ultrasound appointment to find out that we were having a boy! Everyone else thought we weren't finding out until November 20
th, so it was a fun surprise that Matt and I were able to share together.
On November 17
th, our sweet
LBC decided that he would throw some fun into the mix, and I ended up in the emergency room having a
gallbladder attack - within 36 hours, I was admitted to the hospital and on the 19
th at 8:30pm I was in surgery to have my
gallbladder removed. I then received a luxurious all inclusive one week's stay at Harrisburg Hospital as my pregnant body slowly recovered from the surgery. Unfortunately after the organ removal, I am still experiencing nausea & vomiting, but thank god for
pharmaceuticals, as it is now controllable with my purse full of medication that helps to keep my relatively vomit free on a daily basis.
Now I sit here on December 29
th, and see only a bright future ahead for us. The furniture for the nursery was ordered yesterday, the paint has been bought and we are full steam ahead in preparation for
LBC's arrival...and for the first time in my life I plan to not procrastinate and be ready for him whenever he decides to make his appearance. I'll attach some of the ultrasound pics to catch you up on the last several months.