As most of you even reading this will know, my husband Matt & I are expecting our first baby in a couple of months, so I figured that since I can't have a "get fit" New Year's Resolution this year (note to self - always be pregnant during the New Years Resolution making time..), I would try my hand at blogging and see how that goes.
And so..a Dog, a Baby and now a Blog is born. Our 1 year old Golden Retriever Archie has been the "baby" in our lives for the last 12 months and we have spent numerous hours doting over him and we got pretty luck that he turned out so great, so we thought we'd give the baby thing a try. I'll post the whole "baby story" later, but we are now a bit over 6 months pregnant and anxiously awaiting the arrival of Archie's new baby brother, affectionately known as "LBC" (Little Baby Coulter).
So, happy reading - I promise to try and keep up on this and post pictures as often as possible.
Much love,

I put off making a blog till right before Clara was born, and now I enjoy it. Thought I'd be boring, but I think people like to be able to stay "caught up" on their fam and friends' lives. :) I'm always taking pictures "for my blog" to document our lives... haha. Maybe one day I'll get it printed and bound or something!