We spent Friday night doing baby things - we used some gift cards and headed over to Babies R Us and finished getting the last few things we need for LBC's arrival. Then yesterday we spent the day celebrating Monica's Bat Mitzvah. Monica is one of the children I was a nanny for over the last 8 years, and she turned 13 this week, therefore making it the time to become a Bat Mitzvah. It made me feel SO OLD to be waddling around pregnant at her party and realizing that she is now a teenager...seems like yesterday I was the teenager taking care of her and she was 5. Really put things into perspective! Last night we took all the new baby hangers we got and switched LBC's hanging clothes over. We also went through all the drawers and filled up a laundry basket full of blankets, burp cloths, onesies, etc that we will need in the first few weeks and they are currently in the laundry.
Today Matt did some work outside the house and got the patio furniture out for me - we are having Chip over this afternoon and will be grilling and eating outside - LOVE IT! I also went and got a mani/pedi with my friend Jessica, so now my toes & fingers are delivery room ready!
We are a bit apprehensive because I am feeling GREAT today and have more energy then I've had in weeks. We've heard that before labor starts it is common to get an adrenaline rush....so we will see if this is related :)
Either way - this weekend has been full of sunshine, happiness, a great nights sleep, friendship and cleaning. All we need now is LBC to complete this beautiful life.
Ultrasound on Tuesday to see how big LBC has gotten for the last time before the big induction decision is made...can't believe we are this close!
Here are some pictures from yesterday:
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