
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

One month old today!

Chase is one month old today! It's hard to believe that it has been one month since 5:41pm on March 27th that our beautiful baby boy made his grand debut to this world... there have been so many wonderful moments in the last month that I don't even know how to pick a favorite. I think that my favorite would probably be the first moment that I saw his beautiful face in person after 9 months and many long hours of labor waiting for him. Though every time he looks directly into my eyes, I get that same wonderful feeling of love, pride & adoration for this amazing child.

I certainly hope the next months don't go as quickly...

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Cousin Love

We spent time with Sandy & Lyla this week and Lyla was ready to take a turn holding her baby cousin! It was so cute! She was very content holding him, kept holding his hand and gently patting him. She even helped me give him a bottle...I am certain they will grow up to be close cousins and great friends!

Tummy time!

This week we have really started to focus on "tummy time", which is giving the baby time on his stomach to be able to practice lifting his head and strengthening his stomach muscles.

Chase has had a really strong neck since he was born, but this will keep him going!

He enjoys it for about 5minutes before he gets frustrated or hungry, trying to root around on his own arm as you can see below!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Proud Mommy!

There are so many things that happen everyday that make me feel so proud to call this beautiful baby my son, its the simplest things from a cute face he makes or the way he reaches his arm out toward me when he hears my voice. I am constantly amazed that God chose me to be able to be the mother of this little person, and that he crafted him so perfectly as a reflection of Matt & I. There is no denying that he is ALL Matt in the face, but his blue eyes are just like mine and the bit of his temperament we've seen so far is me as well (sorry little buddy!)

We decided to purchase a First Year package with one of the most incredible local photographers, Klose Photography, who did a great job on a friend's wedding. Check out her blog when you have a chance - - she is just so talented.

We had our first "newborn" session when Chase was 2 weeks old, and we just got the images last night. I literally cried during our preview session, as they showed all 69 images to us set to music, and getting to see this precious creation of ours on a 42 inch tv screen was fabulous! Here are some of my favorite images, though I don't think I could ever pick a favorite!

Monday, April 19, 2010

One of my favorites..

I'm loving every minute of being a mom and spending my days, and the middle of the night, with my sweet baby Chase. One of my favorite times of the day is right at bath time and right after. Chase loves the bath as long as he is wrapped in a blanket to cover up the half of his body that we are not currently cleaning. After bath time, he is always relaxed and extremely alert - I could look into his blue eyes forever and never get bored. Thought I'd share some photos of him at bath time and in his jammies :)

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Introducing...Chase Gregory Coulter!

Let me start this by saying...I know, I know - it's been way too long since I lasted posted a blog entry! My Nana checks this everyday and keeps reminding me that I haven't blogged since the Tuesday before the baby was born, so my apologies - I will do my best to keep up on it going forward!

Now to the important stuff! We would love to introduce you to Chase Gregory Coulter! Born at 5:41pm on 3/27, weighing 9lbs, 1.9oz and measuring 19 3/4 inches long. He took his sweet time making his entry into this world - approximately 31 hours from the time we got to the hospital and started the induction process, but he is perfect and we are madly in love. I will post my birth story some day really soon, but it really deserves a separate post of its own.

Chase has had a whirlwind of a life so far in the last three weeks - full of visits to meet important people in his life, a trip to the hospital to kick some billiruben & jaundice butt and now this week to Hollidaysburg for a weekend away at Grampy's townhouse.

Here are some pics for now...more stories to follow...