Well, I survived my first week back to work and was greatly looking forward to the weekend! I have to say that I don't think I have ever enjoyed a weekend as much as this one, for the sole purpose of complete uninterrupted time with my little buddy Chase. We woke up on Saturday morning and Matt headed over to the Harrisburg house to get a bunch of things done so we can get it on the market. While he did that I picked up the house and ran what felt like a
bizillion errands with Nana
Krn. It was about 105 degrees here on Saturday with the heat index, so just walking into a store was enough to be exhausting! We went and signed up for our new library cards at the Hershey Library and browsed around the children's section. It makes me so excited for the future and all the fun things that Chase will get to learn, explore & imagine by reading. Then we did a run to Sam's Club and the grocery store. We ended the day with a "
Southpoint" get together.
Southpoint is the development we live in and we had Staci & Jordan, Eric & Jess and their beautiful kids Bronx & Brody over. The only thing missing was their cute little girl
Pixx. We had
thai food takeout and spent the warm evening on the deck having a great time. This move was the best thing ever!
This morning we made breakfast and headed out to meet up with Jordan's sister Jess to do some shopping for Staci's bridal shower that is on August 7
th, grabbed some lunch and headed home. Nana
Krn stopped by to see Chase for about an hour while Matt & I raced around to clean the entire house from top to bottom while we had a quick babysitter! Chase is going to sleep now after a cute bath (I'll post the video from that next!) and I find myself sitting here feeling sadder tonight than I did last Sunday because after being away from him all week and then getting the weekend with him, I am missing him already and can't wait until next weekend.
One big accomplishment this week was Chase sat in his highchair for the very first time! Here are some cute pictures - he's growing so quickly!