This week is going to fly by as well. I'm going to have Monica, who I used to nanny when she was 5 for several years, is going to be my helper this week to hang out with Chase & I at home while I get the rest of the packing done. It is supposed to be 100 degrees here all week too, so we may ditch some packing and head to the pool!
Matt is headed to Long Island in NY this weekend for the wedding of his best friend from college. Alex was a groomsmen in our wedding as well & he is marrying his college sweetheart Kate. I wish I was able to join them, but having a 3 month old and my parents out of the country cramps our style a little bit :) So we will be dropping the dog off at the kennel on Friday morning for the weekend while we finish packing and because with Matt gone from Friday AM - late Saturday, it will be lot easier for me to handle on my own with Chase. With our entire house in boxes, I will probably take Chase to my parents house to sleep.
Chase is changing so much - I have to share these pics of him in his Bumbo seat & Jumperoo. It is amazing what a couple of weeks does to his ability to enjoy these things more. Wonder how quickly he will grow out of them!
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