We also have been completely consumed by the planning & execution of the 2nd Annual Jessica Drew Memorial Golf Outing. It was this past Saturday, 8/21, and it was an even bigger success than I could have ever dreamed of. We had over 140 people in attendance and raised nearly $30,000!!! What a tribute and testament to the incredible life my sister led. It was a lot of work, but was so worth it when we realized what amazing good we were able to do!
Chase also threw a wrench in the mix of the last few week's craziness by going through the 4 month "wakeful period". This is where his cognitive development really kicked it up a notch and the world around him was so interesting that sleep was the bottom of his priority totem pole. He has averaged only about 3 hours of sleep a night the last couple of weeks and it sure added to our exhaustion level! The only benefit to all of it, is that even with little sleep, he is still such a well behaved happy baby that at 3am when he was wide awake he didn't cry, but was just a giggly smiley little boy. I've fallen more in love with him than even before (I didn't know that was possible?!). I love watching him take in the world around him, and see the light he brings to the faces of everyone who looks at him. He was such a trooper the entire day at the golf outing, and after being passed around to tons of people and completely thrown off any form of schedule he had, he stayed so joyful the entire day.
Things are settling a bit now. As I am typing this, Matt is upstairs packing for another overnight trip for work. As much as we miss him and it makes me appreciate our parenting partnership, I do enjoy the one on one time with Chase. Our bond as mommy & baby is so intense - its the most incredible thing I've ever experienced in my life. He is growing so quickly, and now when I look back on the pictures from when he was first born, it makes me realize how much he has grown and changed in just five months.
I am really looking forward to the month of September! First up, we have my best friend Staci's wedding, which is sure to be a magnificent day and then a week later we pack up the car and head to New England for a long awaited vacation! Our first stop will be in Massachusetts for a couple of days to spend some time with Nana & Bub. Then on Sunday we head to Maine for a week of total relaxation. My Nana & Papa's house has always been my place of refuge from the world, and I am so excited to introduce Chase to my favorite place on earth! We are even sneaking in a little family getaway while we are there and heading to the Samoset Resort to spend the night where we got engaged three years ago. It's so amazing what has happened and changed in the last three years - I've had the biggest heartaches and best moments of my life and I'm a much different person today than I was back then. Being a wife & mommy has changed my life for nothing but the better. I can't wait to make memories in my favorite state with my favorite husband, baby & grandparents. What a semi-charmed kind of life we lead :)
For now..here's a picture to show my favorite time of day that Matt caught on film. These moments don't get to happen nearly as often as I would like..but they sure are memorable and I think Chase enjoys them just as much as I do!
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