Matt & I have known each other for over 13 years, but have only openly loved one another for 5. Each morning that I wake up, I am amazed that my heart has the capacity to feel another ounce of love for this man who God so beautifully crafted as my perfect match and soulmate. I never believed in soulmates before Matt & I fell in love - I figured there was a handful of people out there in this world that one could be compatible enough with for a lifetime and if fortunate, you would come across one of them, fall in love, and enjoy a life together.
Then, one semi-drunken night about 5 years ago, I locked lips (despite what he says, he instigated!) with Matthew Steven Coulter and my life has not for one second ever been the same. I don't know what the Webster's definition of love is, but I don't need to. The chills down my spine and the beating of my heart each time this man comes into my view is definition enough for me. Even before the pregnancy hormones raged inside of me, I've always been sentimental and emotionally weepy when thinking of, discussing, expressing or confessing my love for Matt. He makes me want to be better, do more, love stronger and care deeper every single day. I see my past, present and future when I look into his eyes and I know that our hearts will always have a home inside of one another.
He is selfless, compassionate, strong, genuine and loyal and I would lay down my life for him because I believe the world is a better place because of him. One of the most special parts of our relationship was our bond with my sister Jessie. Jessie told me for years that Matt was a much better person than I ever gave him credit for, and I still remember the smile on her face the day she found out we had finally given in to admitting our feelings for one another. She was certain that we would end up married, and the day that Matt proposed to me, we fulfilled a dream of hers. She left us just three months shy of seeing Matt & I take our vows, and through her death she continued to do her "I told you so" when it came to he & I as he was my rock through the darkest moment of my life.
So on this Valentines Day, my words directly to Matt are simple - I love you. You complete me, you move me and you inspire me. I promise to always stand next to you, never in front of or behind. Thank you for loving me and giving me a reason to smile everyday. You make everyday something to look forward to and I will spend every day of my life striving to be worthy of your love. As I said on our wedding day, I love you more than I could ever promise. I can't wait to meet our child - I couldn't dream of or pray for a better man to be the father of our children. You are my life - and you & our child are the greatest gifts that God could have ever given me.
A bushel & a peck, for the rest of my life.
your LindsayKrn <3
Our engagement photo:
The day we got engaged:
Husband & Wife:

The best promise I've ever made:

Honeymoon in Cabo San Lucas:
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