Remember this book?

If you change the name to Lindsay and change Day to Week, the pretty much sums up the last 96 hours. Work this week has been a completely nightmare - quite possibly the worst of my career thus far. It was back to back unexpected issues that kept popping up and throwing a wrench into my already over-crowded schedule. I am trying to get too much completed in anticipation of my upcoming maternity leave and am just about stretched to my limit.
We've also had multiple things going on in the evening, which makes a long day at work even longer. Fortunately I am in love with our child birth class that is taught by our doula, so though the class contributed to one of the very long days, it was relaxing and baby-related which always makes me happy! Tonight I am just getting home for the first time all day after having a long day at work directly followed by a executive committee and board meeting at the country club where I am Treasurer. Now I'm trying to unwind and get ready to deal with Friday and enjoy the weekend!
We are headed to State College tomorrow evening for the Jason Aldean concert which we scored 2nd row tickets for....I'm extremely excited and it will be the perfect way to end a horrible week!
Had a doctors appointment this week - LBC is doing great! I am being sent to a physical therapist on Monday morning because the doctors think my hips may be out of alignment from LBC's rapid growth and my pelvic bones starting to shift in preparation for childbirth. I've been getting extreme back & neck pain and horrible sciatic nerve pain that radiates down my legs by the end of the day from just shifting positions on the couch or trying to walk. Hopefully this trip to the PT will fix this, because I am really enjoying this time of the pregnancy otherwise. LBC has been extremely active and has started somewhat responding to my pokes and touches. We are getting so close - where has time gone?!
More this weekend...
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