
Thursday, February 25, 2010

The week from hell.

Well, I am terribly delinquent in updating my blog over the last week, and have heard several comments on it, so I thought I'd quickly put something on here.

Remember this book?

If you change the name to Lindsay and change Day to Week, the pretty much sums up the last 96 hours. Work this week has been a completely nightmare - quite possibly the worst of my career thus far. It was back to back unexpected issues that kept popping up and throwing a wrench into my already over-crowded schedule. I am trying to get too much completed in anticipation of my upcoming maternity leave and am just about stretched to my limit.

We've also had multiple things going on in the evening, which makes a long day at work even longer. Fortunately I am in love with our child birth class that is taught by our doula, so though the class contributed to one of the very long days, it was relaxing and baby-related which always makes me happy! Tonight I am just getting home for the first time all day after having a long day at work directly followed by a executive committee and board meeting at the country club where I am Treasurer. Now I'm trying to unwind and get ready to deal with Friday and enjoy the weekend!

We are headed to State College tomorrow evening for the Jason Aldean concert which we scored 2nd row tickets for....I'm extremely excited and it will be the perfect way to end a horrible week!

Had a doctors appointment this week - LBC is doing great! I am being sent to a physical therapist on Monday morning because the doctors think my hips may be out of alignment from LBC's rapid growth and my pelvic bones starting to shift in preparation for childbirth. I've been getting extreme back & neck pain and horrible sciatic nerve pain that radiates down my legs by the end of the day from just shifting positions on the couch or trying to walk. Hopefully this trip to the PT will fix this, because I am really enjoying this time of the pregnancy otherwise. LBC has been extremely active and has started somewhat responding to my pokes and touches. We are getting so close - where has time gone?!

More this weekend...


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A week of "8"s ...and an introduction of sorts!

Well, we've hit another milestone! I'm now 8 months pregnant, 80 % of the way through and just under 7/8 weeks until delivery!!

In honor of LBC's newest milestone, we thought we'd share some pictures of his nursery, which in turn will introduce LBC to the world as "Chase". We've been keeping his name a secret for quite some time, as we honestly grew rather tired of hearing everyone's opinion on the names we were selecting. However, we reached a point where we said oh well and are ready to share the name! I've always said that I would say his name before he was born because to me, this is who he is already. So, we'd like to introduce to you - Chase Gregory Coulter!! He will still be affectionately known as LBC for the weeks to come, but now you know who he will be known as in a few short weeks!

We are off to our first hypnobirthing class tonight which starts a 5 week series of classes to get us ready for the big day..I'm sure I will have lots to post on that later!

Lindsay, Matt & LBC aka Chase :)

This will be the changing table & dresser:

Crib shot:

View from the closet:

View from the hallway:

We got a little crafty this weekend & did these ourselves!!!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

To my one & only Valentine...

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day, and as I look across the living room at my now dozing off to sleep husband, I began to feel very sentimental (enter pregnancy hormones now) and thought that I would dedicate a blog post to my special Valentine.

Matt & I have known each other for over 13 years, but have only openly loved one another for 5. Each morning that I wake up, I am amazed that my heart has the capacity to feel another ounce of love for this man who God so beautifully crafted as my perfect match and soulmate. I never believed in soulmates before Matt & I fell in love - I figured there was a handful of people out there in this world that one could be compatible enough with for a lifetime and if fortunate, you would come across one of them, fall in love, and enjoy a life together.

Then, one semi-drunken night about 5 years ago, I locked lips (despite what he says, he instigated!) with Matthew Steven Coulter and my life has not for one second ever been the same. I don't know what the Webster's definition of love is, but I don't need to. The chills down my spine and the beating of my heart each time this man comes into my view is definition enough for me. Even before the pregnancy hormones raged inside of me, I've always been sentimental and emotionally weepy when thinking of, discussing, expressing or confessing my love for Matt. He makes me want to be better, do more, love stronger and care deeper every single day. I see my past, present and future when I look into his eyes and I know that our hearts will always have a home inside of one another.

He is selfless, compassionate, strong, genuine and loyal and I would lay down my life for him because I believe the world is a better place because of him. One of the most special parts of our relationship was our bond with my sister Jessie. Jessie told me for years that Matt was a much better person than I ever gave him credit for, and I still remember the smile on her face the day she found out we had finally given in to admitting our feelings for one another. She was certain that we would end up married, and the day that Matt proposed to me, we fulfilled a dream of hers. She left us just three months shy of seeing Matt & I take our vows, and through her death she continued to do her "I told you so" when it came to he & I as he was my rock through the darkest moment of my life.

So on this Valentines Day, my words directly to Matt are simple - I love you. You complete me, you move me and you inspire me. I promise to always stand next to you, never in front of or behind. Thank you for loving me and giving me a reason to smile everyday. You make everyday something to look forward to and I will spend every day of my life striving to be worthy of your love. As I said on our wedding day, I love you more than I could ever promise. I can't wait to meet our child - I couldn't dream of or pray for a better man to be the father of our children. You are my life - and you & our child are the greatest gifts that God could have ever given me.

A bushel & a peck, for the rest of my life.

your LindsayKrn <3

Our engagement photo:

The day we got engaged:

Husband & Wife:

The best promise I've ever made:

Honeymoon in Cabo San Lucas:

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Dear Old Man Winter: Please retire! Love, The Coulters

Well, the weatherman is finally earning his living honestly. He has now been correct for the second time in a week at predicting the snowstorm. Yesterday morning we woke up to near blizzard like conditions of snow & wind that dumped another 18 inches on us, leaving a total of over 3 ft on the ground within a week. The snow piles are so large around the sidewalks & walkway that they are up to about my shoulders - I've had enough!! Here are some pics from Snowstorm 2.0:

LBC's view of the storm and my almost 8 month view looking down - don't mind the dog hair, I had just gotten Archie ready to play in the snow :)

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Snowstorms: 2 LBC: 0

So I'm changing the count from the other's now Snowstorms vs. LBC because we are once again being effected by Old Man Winter.

The baby shower was forced into re-scheduling mode on Saturday when we received about 20 inches of snow. Fortunately, we were able to reschedule for a new date and we will give it a try again on March 6th for a morning breakfast shower, which I am now again greatly looking forward to! Crazy to think that I will be 35 weeks pregnant at that time!

Tonight we were supposed to start our Hypnobirthing classes with our doula (google it!) April, but it is 6pm and within the last couple of hours we have gotten at least 2.5 inches of snow already with projection of total accumulation of another 18 inches through tomorrow. So, the snow wins again and the class start was pushed back until next Tuesday. The class is 2.5 hours a week for 5 weeks, so let's hope that LBC starts beating out this winter weather or we will be running out of time!

On the bright side, Archie is THRILLED with the snow. For him, snow equals fun times and mom & dad stuck in the house giving him our undivided attention!

LBC is kicking up a storm today, I think he knows I'm writing about him now, because he is all over the place! Hard to believe that he will be with us in just over 2 months. Where has the time gone?!

Pictures to come tomorrow of the 3+ ft of snow on the ground- I'm starting to feel like I am back in Maine!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Snowstorm: 1 Lindsay's Baby shower: 0

Well, the snowstorm got the best of us. We woke up yesterday morning to about 18 inches of snow on the ground and got a couple more as the day progressed. So, instead of having a baby shower yesterday, I took the opportunity to be extremely lazy and did nothing but lay on the couch, take a nap and watch the puppy play in the snow all day.

Around 8pm we finally ventured out since the unanticipated amount of snow left us with quite cabin fever so we had dinner with Matt's cousins & friends for Chadd's birthday and it was a wonderful time. Then, since the long nap (3 hours!!) had completely thrown off our sleep schedule, we drove out to Hershey to visit with Jamie who was home from NYC for my shower and spent a couple of hours visiting with her, which was the most perfect way to end the night.

Here's a few pics of the snow!

Friday, February 5, 2010

67 days to go?!?

Matt took a couple pictures tonight to show LBC & I at 7 1/2! I can't believe how quickly time is flying....I've been feeling great with the exception of tired feet & back at the end of the day, multiple pee breaks in the middle of the night and some charlie horses in my legs that you wouldn't believe, but other than that - this part of the pregnancy is pretty enjoyable. I love feeling LBC move around so much!

Pretty Puppy!

Archie was groomed last week, and I had to show pictures of how handsome he looked. He has been so great lately - we keep joking around and asking him when he decided to become a "real dog" that is so well behaved. I like to think that he has decided that with the baby coming he needs to be the mature one now. He hardly leaves my side and has never been so attached to me since we first got him, its like he has some sense of duty or something. Whatever it is, I love it and absolutely love and adore him.

Let it Snow....just not tomorrow!

Well, this week was Groundhog's Day, and good old Puxatawney Phil saw his shadow indicating 6 more weeks of winter for us. They say he is only accurate 39% of the time....well, he was right this time. It is currently heavily snowing here in Central PA and we are expecting to get anywhere from 6-12 inches in the next 12 hours.

Normally, I would be jumping up and down - I love snow days, staying inside with Matt watching movies, being lazy and playing with the puppy in the backyard.

Note that I said "normally". This weekend, I am PRAYING the snow stop by dawn and the plows do their job of getting the roads clear because my baby shower is at 1pm tomorrow and I am REALLY looking forward to it. So, as I sit here admiring the pretty scene outside my window, I have my fingers, toes, eyes, tongue, ears, legs, arms and eyes all crossed hoping that we catch a break.

Wish us luck!!!!