
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

You're kidding, right?

So last night was the WORST sleep I've had since being preggo. I woke up literally every two hours on the dot - 1245, 245, 445 and then 645. All I could think was that LBC is getting me prepped for those multiple wake ups to come when he arrives....

Little did I know that he would be arriving much sooner than anticipated!

We had an ultrasound at the specialist's office this morning and I couldn't get over how much bigger LBC has gotten on the screen - when we last saw him 3 weeks ago, he was weighing in at around 6lbs, 9oz. Today he is tipping the scales at a whopping 8lbs 11oz!!!!!! The doctor came in after reviewing the ultrasound and the first question he asked was which one of was a big baby (all eyes on Matt!) and then got serious. He said that he was worried about how much larger the baby was going to get over the next few weeks if we waited until 39 weeks to he called my doctors office and got their OK to perform an amniocentesis. They stuck the long amnio needle into my belly which didn't hurt at all, but caused some crazy cramping and took a sample of the amniotic fluid to send to the lab to be tested to see LBC's lung maturity level. Afterward, they hooked me up to some monitors for awhile and monitored my contraction activities and baby's heartbeat. They also let me know that I was to call my doctors office because they would be putting me into their induction schedule for an ASAP induction. WHAT!?

So we left the office and I called the doctor - he said that he wanted to get the test results back, but that he could bring us into the hospital tonight to start the induction. I started laughing at him. WHAT?!?!

Long story short....we were able to buy me a couple of days for my sanity's sake, and we are being induced at 10am on Friday! I went into work following my appointment this morning to try and wrap up a week of planned work into about 4 hours and then headed home to rest.

We also had our Labor & Delivery tour of the hospital tonight with our doula April, and that really got me in the baby delivering spirit for Friday after seeing all those cute babies in the nursery and realizing that in a couple of days I will be holding my little boy!!

So, crazy things to come! Looks like we will have a baby by Saturday - please keep us in your thoughts & prayers to go through delivery comfortably and easily. Perhaps the next time I post will be to introduce LBC to the world!

Much love,

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Welcome Spring!

This has been the most beautiful weekend! Temps in the low 70's, abundant sunshine, the ability to leave the windows open at doesn't get much better than this!

We spent Friday night doing baby things - we used some gift cards and headed over to Babies R Us and finished getting the last few things we need for LBC's arrival. Then yesterday we spent the day celebrating Monica's Bat Mitzvah. Monica is one of the children I was a nanny for over the last 8 years, and she turned 13 this week, therefore making it the time to become a Bat Mitzvah. It made me feel SO OLD to be waddling around pregnant at her party and realizing that she is now a teenager...seems like yesterday I was the teenager taking care of her and she was 5. Really put things into perspective! Last night we took all the new baby hangers we got and switched LBC's hanging clothes over. We also went through all the drawers and filled up a laundry basket full of blankets, burp cloths, onesies, etc that we will need in the first few weeks and they are currently in the laundry.

Today Matt did some work outside the house and got the patio furniture out for me - we are having Chip over this afternoon and will be grilling and eating outside - LOVE IT! I also went and got a mani/pedi with my friend Jessica, so now my toes & fingers are delivery room ready!

We are a bit apprehensive because I am feeling GREAT today and have more energy then I've had in weeks. We've heard that before labor starts it is common to get an adrenaline we will see if this is related :)

Either way - this weekend has been full of sunshine, happiness, a great nights sleep, friendship and cleaning. All we need now is LBC to complete this beautiful life.

Ultrasound on Tuesday to see how big LBC has gotten for the last time before the big induction decision is made...can't believe we are this close!

Here are some pictures from yesterday:

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Happy Birthday Aunt Jessie..

Today would have been Jessie's 23rd is so hard to believe that two years ago I had her here in my home recovering from turning 21 at midnight and all the drinks she consumed between 12 and 2am. She was the light of our lives. It is especially hard today to realize that she won't be here to influence and know her nephew, because I know she would have taken her role as his aunt to the ultimate extreme and loved him like her own. So today, I just have a few things to say to the best little sister that God ever created:

I miss you - they say that time heals pain, and maybe that is true, but missing you doesn't get easier and time doesn't stop love from continuing to grow. I was so extremely blessed to have had you in my life for 21 years. As I think about the child growing inside of me, I think of the stories about when mom was pregnant with you and I was the only one that was sure you were a girl, and because of that I got to name you. You & I had that special connection from the very beginning and even though you are gone, I like to think it is still there. I still see you, hear you and feel you when I need it most and I know you are never really that far away. I'm going to need you to stay really close for always because we're about to go through the biggest experience in our lives and I need my little sister for it. I love you, thanks for being who you were, are and always will be. We are truly the lucky ones for having had you. Keep shining in Heaven..I can feel your beautiful light.

Love you more everyday,
Linds <3

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Where has time gone?!

So much has happened in the last week and a half, I hardly can even separate the days they have all run together from time passing so quickly!

I had the most wonderful baby shower that was full of great food, adorable baby stuff and even more amazing friends & family. It is truly humbling to be in a room full of people who love & support you during a time like this, we are so blessed in so many ways.

As of today, LBC is now one week away from being considered "full term" which is 37 weeks. We now have at least once a week doctors appointments so between those, work, childbirth classes, getting things ready at home and trying to sleep at night in the midst of at least 3 bathroom wake ups, life has been pretty hectic. Swollen "cankles" have become a regular visitor to these 9 month prego feet, and I can feel my body changing to start preparing for the exciting events to come!

We are technically 28 days away from LBC's due date, which is crazy in itself. Now, due to LBC's size, we know he is arriving at least one week early so that puts us at 21 days away. WHAT?!

I promise to be better about updating this regularly again once I am done with work and on maternity leave - there just isn't enough hours in the day to get everything done right now. Things are great though and I wouldn't change a thing!

Friday, March 5, 2010

So many updates!

Wow - I really need to stop slacking on these updates, too many things to remember when I finally get to do this!

The last two weeks have been really long and my head is just now starting to slow down from the continual spin. Here's some new updates:

1) The Jason Aldean concert last Friday was awesome. Our seats were amazing and we had a great time. LBC loved the music - he was kicking up a storm the entire time. It was a great break from all the craziness!

2) Had an ultrasound this week - new picture below. LBC is currently weighing in at 6lbs 9oz in the 85th percentile. He's changing so much between each time that we get to see him. I am getting SO excited to see him in person, I can hardly stand it!

3) During the ultrasound on Tuesday, I told the doctor I wasn't feeling that well and have been having problems with headaches, dizziness, swelling, etc. She sent me to my regular OB's office and to make a long two day story short, after several tests we found out that I am anemic and have Gestational Diabetes. I am headed today after lunch time to meet with a Diabetes educator and get all the tools to test my blood sugar several times a day. If we can't get the sugar levels down enough, I will have to start taking insulin through the rest of the pregnancy. This is what has contributed to LBC's rapid growth over the last 6-12 weeks. Hopefully he will start to slow his role over the next few weeks. We will have another ultrasound in 2 1/2 weeks to see where he is at once he is considered "full term" and we will likely be planning an induction for 2 weeks later when I hit 39 weeks.

4) Physical Therapy started this week also - they are treating my out of alignment hips and spine and it is really helping me with the pain I had been having. Now if only I could sleep better at night!

5) Tomorrow is my baby shower!!!! After a month of waiting after that darn snowstorm, it is finally here and we are so excited! Especially now that we know we will have LBC in our arms in just about 30 days, it will be great to feel a bit more settled. Also on our to-do list for the next few days is to get a hospital bag packed. I'm at the point now where things start becoming unpredictable!

I promise to start getting better about blogging more often...more later this weekend!



Dear LBC..

Dear LBC,

I think it is so cute when you kick and show off your athletic moves inside the womb. However, today you are really pushing it a bit to far. I know you are cramped in there and I am sorry that I can't be 7 ft tall to provide you appropriate torso room for your quickly growing body, but pushing into the top of my belly and constricting my ability to breathe and generally be comfortable while sitting just isn't fair. In the same regard, pushing your head into my bladder doesn't really do either of us any benefit. Could you please ease it up a bit? Once you are here in the world with us, you will have all the room you will ever need.

I can't wait to meet you, please behave for just a few more weeks.

I love you,